2014년 3월 1일 토요일

More photos of Kitty Jet/キティジェット写真を一挙公開!

Here, I'm posting more photos of Kitty Jet taken in January.

Kitty is drawn to a boarding pass. On the reverse side, it is printed 'I see you' advertising campaign using a Taiwanese born Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro since EVA Air has joined Star Alliance in last June.
搭乗券にもキティが描かれています。裏側には昨年6月のスターアライアンス加盟で俳優金城武を起用したキャンペーンCM’I see you - 世界の見え方はあなた自身の視点で変わる’が印刷されています。

Kitty amenities in the toilet!
Some Kitty goods are on display in the official shop at Taipei Taoyuan International Airport.

Kitty shows you times of the world.

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