2015년 1월 2일 금요일

Airline comparison: Cathay Pacific vs Dragon Air/キャセイパシフィックとドラゴン航空の比較

Today I'd like to say what is a comparison of in-flight services of Cathay Pacific and its sister company Dragon Air. I took both when I went to Penang, Malaysia from Seoul Incheon in last October. I flew by Cathay Pacific until Hong Kong, then was heading a Dragon Air flight to Penang.



They provide great meals, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western etc. Although the taste itself doesn't change much, I rather prefer to the Dragon Air one. The airline offers a special menu in collaboration with famous restaurants of Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei etc.. for a limited time only. Cathay Pacific has the same promotion as Dragon Air, but it is only available from Hong Kong. Besides I also love Dragon cookies that are specially made for refreshment. It's so sweet and delicious! I think it's still better than salted peanuts served before a meal and a macadamia nut shortbread for a snack on Cathay Pacific.


Studio CX, Cathay Pacific's in-flight entertainment system, has a wide selection of programs such as films, music etc. I really enjoyed it. The features are shown below.
  • A wide selection of languages. It can be chosen in six languages, including Japanese.
  • Show all flight attendants welcome you to aboard on the screen.
キャセイの機内エンターテイメントシステムであるStudio CXは映画や音楽など多様なプログラムがあって退屈することなく楽しむことができます。特徴としては日本語を含む6言語で対応しており、搭乗の際CAの顔が映し出され優しく出迎えてくれます。
Dragon Air has their own entertainment programs, called Studio KA. The system itself is the same as Cathay Pacific's Studio CX. However, there are some difference between both companies. The difference is as follows:
  • Cathay Pacific has shown some flight attendants on the welcome screen, but Dragon Air has only one person.
  • Some advertisements on the screen.
ドラゴン航空は独自のエンターテイメントシステムであるStudio KAとなっているもののシステム自体はキャセイのStudio CXとまったく同じです。しかし両社の間で一部相違点があります。相違点は次の通りです。
  • キャセイはウエルカムスクリーンに数名の乗務員を映し出していますがドラゴンは1名だけです。
  • 広告が一部異なる。
Flight attendants/客室乗務員

Great people, friendly and excellent service. I felt that they're more individualistic then other Asian flag carriers such as Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, Asiana Airlines etc.. because of its British based capital.


I think the Cathay Pacific group is one of the best airline of the world, with their hospitality and refine service. The airline has extensive networks to the world. So it's very convenient for transit at Hong Kong. They have received some excellent service awards, such as Airline of the year 2014 by Skytrax. Also, the price is cheaper. I'll fly again next time.

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